by Enov8 | Aug 5, 2021 | Blog
Environments – Monoliths Versus Microservices 05 AUGUST, 2021 by Alexander Fridman In the beginning there was nothing. Then there was the monolith, though we used to simply call monoliths “software.” Today we have two rival architectural types:...
by Enov8 | Jul 15, 2021 | Blog
What Is Your Attack Surface? 15 JULY, 2021 by Justin Reynolds Companies go to great lengths to protect their physical environments, using deterrents like locks, fences, and cameras to ward off intruders. Yet this same logic doesn’t always translate to digital...
by Enov8 | Jul 6, 2021 | Blog
Data: What Is DevSecOps? 06 JULY, 2021 by Justin Reynolds Companies today face increasing challenges around reducing the time and cost of software development. Many are thus using DevOps methodologies, which combine software development and IT operations to achieve...
by Enov8 | Jun 24, 2021 | Blog
Data: The ROI of Data Security 24 JUNE, 2021 by Omkar Hiremath Information technology and the digital world don’t exist without data. The data of an organization can contain a lot of unclassified, as well as classified information. Irrespective of that, only...
by Enov8 | Mar 31, 2021 | Blog
Data Compliance : A Detailed Guide for IT Leaders 31 MARCH, 2021 by Ukpai Ugochi So, As the leader of a DevOps or agile team at a rising software company, how do you ensure that users’ sensitive information is properly secured? Users are on the internet on a...
by Enov8 | Mar 24, 2021 | Blog
What Is IT Operational Intelligence 24 MARCH, 2021 by Taurai Mutimutema Knowledge is more important than ever in businesses of all types. Each time an engineer makes a decision, the quality of outcomes (always) hangs on how current and thorough the data that brought...