FEB, 2017
Waiting for bad things to happen is never a good practice. Once a system is down, it may already be too late and damage to the business could be irreversible. IT resilience is about preventing a disaster recovery situation before it happens.
Critical outages often have a negative impact on the entire organization, hurting reputation and lowering customer satisfaction. Outages also consume the time and resources of operation teams that get tied up in costly troubleshooting and recovery efforts.Companies such as Delta and United Airlines have both recently faced major IT glitches resulting in major operational delays and grounded flights. The problems not only caused chaos and critical outages across their systems, but lead to thousands of affected, frustrated customers. Delta previously faced similar issues last year, and the airline later disclosed that their 5-hour August 2016 computer outage cost them a total of approximately US$150 million.The good news is that the majority of unplanned outages and data-loss incidents can be prevented.  EcoSystem’s Resilience Management platform ensures the resilience of your critical IT infrastructure.Resilience management:
  • Catalyses governance and transparency of your complete IT fabric
  • Promotes metric stewardship; allowing resilience and reliability to be measured
  • Displays risks & failure impact; allowing for planning and management of failover practices
In today’s digital age and global economy, corporations and their stakeholders require round-the-clock access to data resources irrespective of time, geographic location or device type. Meaning even minutes of downtime can disrupt productivity and cost organisations tens of thousands to millions in monetary and business losses.Reliability is paramount to the corporation’s ability to conduct business in an uninterrupted fashion. Fortunately, EcoSystem’s inbuilt resilience management tool upholds the integrity of both production and non-production resilience.Find out more about Ecosystem RM here: IT Resilience Manager

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