Enterprise IT Environment: What It Is and How to Build

Enterprise IT Environment: What It Is and How to Build

IT is the foundation of any digital enterprise. It has a hand in just about every process, from the company’s connected utility systems to the digital applications that customers and employees access daily and everything in between. With this in mind, enterprises...
HIPAA vs GDPR vs PCI: Data Compliance Explained

HIPAA vs GDPR vs PCI: Data Compliance Explained

Organizations today are using more data than ever before. Indeed, data plays a critical role in decision-making for everything from sales and marketing to the production and development of new products and services. There’s no doubt that data can have a...
DevSecOps versus Cybersecurity

DevSecOps versus Cybersecurity

Both DevSecOps and cybersecurity are gaining a lot of interest and demand in the IT industry. With everything going digital, security has become one of the main focuses of every organization. And DevSecOps and cybersecurity are the supreme practices to achieve high...
What is a Staging Server? An Essential Guide

What is a Staging Server? An Essential Guide

Release issues happen.  Maybe it’s a new regression you didn’t catch in QA. Sometimes it’s a failed deploy. Or, it might even be an unexpected hardware conflict.  How do you catch them in advance?  One popular strategy is a staging server....