Environments Management March to Digital

Environments Management March to Digital

Environments Management March to Digital 23 July, 2017 by Niall Crawford   In the rush to digital, IT is burdened with new performance issues. An interesting article on ZDNET that talks about the challenges IT and Test Environments are causing businesses as they...
The Test Environment Pizza – enov8

The Test Environment Pizza – enov8

The Test Environment Pizza 10 JULY, 2017 by Niall Crawford (Enov8 Director/CTO) I had an “interesting” chat with a potential client this week. The conversation started normally with myself and my colleague going through the benefits of our Test...
How ‘Smelly’ are your IT Environments?

How ‘Smelly’ are your IT Environments?

How Smelly Are Your IT Environments? 31 MARCH, 2017 Kent beck, the inventor of XP extreme programming, once wrote about the concept of “Smelly Code”. Given IT Environments seem to be a significant challenge for so many organizations, it got us thinking:...